Store Map
Store Map Block
This block mainly design for highlighting
your shop location in the google map.
How do I use this block?
- To use this block in your site first you need to install and active our open source Load google map plugin. Here is plugin link ->, download the zip file. After downloading our plugin go to -
Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new
- Now you will see the Upload Plugin button beside the Add Plugins title click on that after Choose our google map zip file then click on Install Now button:
- After installing and activated our plugin you will notice a new menu in a Admin Dashboard Sidebar called Google Map, click on that menu link and you must fillup google map settings credential then hit Save Changes button -
- All settings are done, now your are ready to use our Store Map gutenberg block. We provide some necessary customization options in our block settings. You can add your own store address & marker image, able to enable/disable marker animation, set block height for each device ete -